Taurine Mega Caps 1500 - food supplement containing taurine in capsules. The product is intended for physically active adults.MEGA CAPS�/MEGA CAPSULES� IS THE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY OF OLIMP LABORATORIES COMPANY. WE WERE FIRST!�MEGA CAPS� and �MEGA CAPSULES� are trademarks registered for the benefit of Olimp Laboratories in the Patent Office of Poland , respectively from 2004 and 2006 . Additionally, the textual trademark �MEGA CAPS� has been submitted for international procedure in 26 countries all over the world and has so far been registered in 17 countries. Also the textual and figurative trademarks MEGA CAPS�/MEGA CAPSULES� have been subjected for registration in international procedure in many countries, also outside of Europe.OLIMP MEGA CAPS�/MEGA CAPSULES�� THE FIRST, THE ORIGINAL, THE ONLY!
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